What is in that DREAM? What to focus on for dreams…

Why focus on a dream in the AM?  What can you do with that focus?

Write down your dreams.
While dream-tending is an art and a science that usually requires the guidance of a skilled therapist.  Though I write out my dreams now, it is not my personal intention to seek a professional out @ this time.  What I have discovered is even taking a few minutes to jot down last night’s dream can help you honor the vulnerable space of morning and fill yourself with soulful energy instead of technology energy.
You may not understand what your dreams are trying to communicate, but if you carry one dream image with you throughout the day and roll it around inside your mind, you’ll be able to maintain a tether to Self that will serve you well.  Your thoughts are no different then your dreams as they are both interpretations of your consciousness @ that moment and can be felt with your heart, if you pay attention to that sort of thing.  Yep, those feelings we create within each of us.  Image

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